Tuesday, October 23, 2012

★GossShop: Michigan Welfare and Education

Children, the worlds most precious commodity, our future. We all want the best for them. Often the decisions that we adults make, fall back on our children. There are many things that children absolutely have to be provided with in order to grow productively, physically and mentally. Education is at the top of the list.

The systems that the government have enforced along with the decisions that corporate America have made, has resulted in vast numbers of unemployed inner city residents. Many people are  now living at or below poverty level and have been forced to look for state assistance in an effort to properly care for their families.

There are many mixed feelings, conclusions and theories on how the nation has come to the point where we are now. Some believe that it's all a part of 'The Plan'. Lol, I am definitely one of those people who believe there is a plan in place, but I won't go off into my beliefs, I'll just stick to the subject at hand, our children and their education.

Recently, we have learned of the newest phase of 'The Plan'. It is a policy, slash proposal, slash law...slash...plan. Needless to say, I have not yet located the exact title of this new 'idea' that is scheduled to take effect October 1, 2012. Details of this new idea have been very sketchy, the only stated facts that I've managed to gather so far is that if a child of a family receiving assistance is truant for more than ten days in a school year, the entire family's cash assistance will be terminated. The child will then have to attend school for twenty-one consecutive days in order for the family's benefits be reinstated. Wtf?!

Statistically, there are about 59,000 cases in Michigan, providing cash assistance for about 162,000 recipients. There were 93,408 truancy reports in the 2011-2012 school year, up 10,000 from the previous year.

I have a couple of questions/comments before I pose the question(s) of the day to my friends.

In my head, I'm thinking that this plan, just like all of the others, will have MAJOR trickle down effects which may include CPS involvement, homelessness and many others. There are numerous reasons for a child to be absent from school for more than ten days out of a school year. I would like for Governor Snyder to be a bit more clear on the guidelines of this plan, such as, is there a case review before benefits are terminated? What happens if benefits are discontinued for a family and there isn't twenty-one days left in the school year? Since this plan is supposed to be a joint effort, is there an addendum that will hold the school responsible for keeping children inside of the school until dismissed, once the child is properly delivered to school?

1. Should the government be allowed to terminate an entire family's cash benefits because their child is truant?

2. Do you think this idea is going to help alleviate the truancy issue?

3. If this plan doesn't work, what will?

@313HillBoy: "There has always been a high truancy/dropout rate in lower income districts. The government should have enforced this plan or requirement many years ago, at the beginning of welfare. The problem with truancy may not be as big of a problem if they had of."

What are your views? Share them with me and my friends.

Until the next time...
This is Cold Medinah reminding you to Keep it Cold! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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